Withdrawal Policy
If you want to update the bank account details, please kindly email your new bank account details with your username to support2@ etradexchange. net
Thanks for your understanding
If you want to update the bank account details, please kindly email your new bank account details with your username to support2@ etradexchange. net
Thanks for your understanding
You can now make a deposit into our new Zenith bank account. This will make depositing convenient for all of our customers. Click here to access it. https://www.etradexchange.net/etradexchange-bank-details/
These mode of deposit are NOT allowed on our site: ATM transfer—Quicteller—Paga—Etranzact—PockectMonie—or any form of Mobile Money payment. Any payment made through such mode will delayed for day and will
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This is to inform our valuable customers that henceforth, you can only withdraw to your bank account on file i.e (the bank account you filled when you registered with us).
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